The Trustees

The wood is managed and protected by a charitable trust made up of twelve trustees - The Friends of Shillingford wood. The long term aims of the trust include; protection from insensitive and harmful development, low-impact and wildlife friendly management of the woodland, maintenance of the permitted path through the wood and the protection of this ancient woodland in perpetuity for the enjoyment of all.


Community wood

Shillingford wood forms the backdrop to the village of Shillingford St George which is approximately 3 miles south west from the centre of Exeter. The wood sits on a steep escarpment rising to over 100m at the crest of the ridge; an area designated as Great Landscape Value. Once clear of the wooded slopes there are fine views of the surrounding countryside including Exeter and beyond to the north, Haldon Forest to the south, Haldon Belverdere to the west and the Exe Estuary to the east.  The woods close proximity to public rights of way makes this a perfect place for peaceful escape and relaxation for locals and visitors.   

The future

In June 2022 a baseline survey was undertaken with a view to establishing a long term woodland management plan in conjunction with the Woodland Trust. For now, apart from clearing some invasive laurel the wood can be pretty much left to its own natural growth to be managed in a wildlife friendly way for future generations to enjoy and appreciate.